ISA Certified Arborist / Urban Forester
David has worked in urban forestry management since 1992 and oversees urban forestry projects in eight southern states. Educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in golf and sports turf management and a Master of Science in urban forestry. Industry related certification includes certification as an ISA arborist and tree risk assessor along with pesticide certifications in three states. David has also served as a board member for the Professional Arborist Association of Mississippi (PAMM) and as the Mississippi state director for International Society of Arboriculture – southern chapter. When David’s not at work he enjoys road trips with his family and workshop projects.
President of Fulgham’s Inc.
Master of Science – Urban Forestry – Mississippi State University
International Society of Arboriculture – certified arborist SO# 5802A
International Society of Arboriculture – Tree Risk Assessor
Licensed in Mississippi as a tree surgeon, landscape gardener, and commercial horticultural and turf weed and pest control, aquatic weed control
Licensed in Tennessee for commercial horticultural and turf weed and pest control
Professional Arborist Association of MS Professional Representative

ISA Certified Arborist / Urban Forester
Ben Kahlmus is from Meridian, Mississippi, and a graduate of Mississippi State University, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management. While attending Mississippi State, Ben worked for The Forestry Extension Service acquiring valuable knowledge in natural resource management. Ben has been with Fulghams since 2013 and resides in Ocean Springs with his wife and two sweet daughters. He is an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist and also a Registered Forester in the State of Mississippi. He oversees the Gulf Coast Region from Louisiana to Florida. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email Ben.
Gulf Coast Regional Manager
Bachelor of Science – Forest Management – Mississippi State University
ISA Certified Arborist #SO-6866A
ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor
Mississippi Registered Forester RF#2578
Tree Surgery License # 38918
Licensed in Mississippi in commercial horticultural and turf weed and pest control.
Client care / Accounts Receivable
Liddi has worked in office administration and sales for over 30 years. Her strengths include team organization and client care. She is highly experienced in accounting and office management. When Liddi isn’t at work, you’ll find her spending time with her six grandchildren, caring for the farm or tackling a new diy project. She lives with her husband on a small 6-acre farm with several adopted or recused dogs, cats, chickens and 2 horses.

Urban Forestry Job Site Technical Manager
Micah Fulgham serves as an urban forestry technician and job site manager. Micah has been working within the company since he was old enough to walk. Over the years, he’s accompanied his father and grandfather on many urban forestry/tree preservation projects across the southeastern US. He is a 2021 high school graduate and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. Micah has a goal to balance his educational pursuit with work experience and is currently working and attending school. When Micah isn’t working, he enjoys participating in sports, fishing and being with his friends.
- State Champion Pole Vaulter (2021) – East Union High School
- East Union High School Football Team – Team captain, running back, safety – Helped lead his team to their first ever semi-final playoff game.
- High School Graduate (2021) – East Union High School
- Northeast Mississippi Community College – Environmental Science – Current Pursuit